Sovereign by Shawn Bridget Hull
As a woman of a certain age, I’ve come to discover that Sovereignty is a choice I slip on my flowered crown and Survey the land of What has been, what is, and what might be I rule the landscape of my body
My hills and valleys are my own In sun and storm Beauty in thick hips Crooked teeth, and Commitment
Love that doesn’t look away, but Looks all the way through Staring down cyclones, Paying the mortgage,
Picking up the prescriptions, and Calling you out,(when you need it…) Then listening, (when I need it…)
Hope that declares Kindness now! Joy now! Delight now! EVERYBODY NOW! Unbreakable bonds
Forged in daisy chains for Today and tomorrow So, if you judge my kingdom As sticky sweet, sentimental,
Naieve, and a pipe dream I invite you to Ask yourself a question, Where do you want to live?